Projects – Expertise - Team
Bankerseleven is an expert network taking on projects for the financial services industry.
Management and business line experience as prerequisites for acceptance on all company levels. Down to earth.
Action planning and alternatives for senior management. Reporting standard cockpit style, rather as an end in itself. Strength of implementation in projects.
Experience, adjusting to company culture, prakticability. Aim the ball towards the goal.
Agile. Identifiying Quick Wins. Task Force oder long run. Results driven.
People know each other in your Team. No start-up hazzles. No latency perios. No drop-outs during projects.
Keep the ball running. Right from the start.
Empathic. Diplomatic. Driven. In large-scale and mid-sized market segments. Multicultural environment welcome.
Systematic procedures, dogmatism as a no. Focus on pragmatic approch. Old School. New School.
That should be it pretty much. Stop. Not be be forgotten: Persistance, broad shouilders and good attitude.